Driven by a strong quality culture since its inception, Domidep quickly adopted a responsible approach to its residents as well as to its staff and stakeholders. Domidep’s main directors all come from the field: previous experience as a nursing home director means they have a greater awareness of sustainable development issues, which are of particular importance in the retirement home sector given the nature of the activity.
To coordinate and steer the CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, a CSR Commission chaired by the CEO was created at the end of 2016.
It meets 4 times a year. The objective of this governing body is to define CSR priority areas, determine commitments and evaluate the process using relevant and reliable indicators.
Domidep has defined the following 4 pillars for its CSR policy:
At the end of 2018, Domidep obtained the LUCIE label, which recognises the CSR initiative led by head office and its commitments to progress. Vigeo Eiris conducted an independent appraisal of our CSR approach and the label was then awarded by a labelling committee comprised of independent experts.
The development of neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease and related pathologies, is leading to an increase in accommodation and care requirements in nursing homes. Domidep is committed to maintaining best human support and highest standard of care possible for the dependent people it supports. A satisfaction survey of residents and their families is conducted annually to measure residents’ perceptions of the standard of care.
satisfaction rate Family/residents > 90 %
We make every effort to ensure an extremely high standard of quality:
Since 2015, Domidep has conducted an annual employee satisfaction survey. The satisfaction rate is above 75%.
Hiring policy is rolled out locally under the responsibility of each home director: it favours permanent employment contracts in order to provide residents with stable, familiar carer teams over the long term.
Domidep has developed an ambitious training policy enabling its employees to acquire, develop and consolidate their professional skills in order to meet industry requirements and residents’ needs. Priority is given to improving residential conditions and residents’ well-being, preventing and managing risks and developing staff skills. Several types of training are offered: Diploma courses, individual training programmes, ongoing professional development.
Finally, the company is strongly committed to preventing discrimination and promoting equal opportunities. Above all, the recruitment policy favours professional expertise and disregards race, religion or disability. Home staff are predominantly female (85% to 90%), a phenomenon related primarily to our sector of activity. All age groups are represented among our employees, which ensures diversity and the sharing of experience.
Amid the widespread concern about climate change and the environmental impact caused by human activities, sustainable development is one of Domidep’s four strategic priorities.
From 2021 , our 100 French establishments will benefit from 100% “green” electricity produced in France (from renewable energy sources located in France).
Domidep monitors its energy consumption to identify anomalies and excess consumption. It also develops a quality process for its construction projects and a maintenance policy for its establishments in order to limit their impact on the environment while ensuring optimum conditions for residents.
In addition, Domidep involves its partners and suppliers in its sustainable development initiatives in order to help reduce energy consumption and waste. For example, our catering provider, a large specialist firm, has committed to using local, labelled products, protecting the environment and recycling waste in accordance with the principles we have adopted.
Domidep has selected a number of ethical principles that represent the company’s values. These principles are implemented through the following measures:
Any person identifying suspect behaviour may report it to the following email address:
Domidep has a monitoring tool for the centralised tracking of complaints and adverse events, whether received from resident families or employees. Each complaint is identified in this centralised platform and reported to the Regional Director. It can be escalated to the management level competent to deal with the complaint or to senior management, depending on the severity of the incident.
To implement its strategy, Domidep has developed an efficient, reliable and responsive organisational system geared to its residents’ needs. Each establishment is run independently, which guarantees staff commitment and motivation and ensures optimum quality of service for residents and their families. Head office is organised to provide support functions to decentralised units and guarantee ongoing, efficient controls while encouraging the adaptation of processes in place.
Domidep made the choice to adopt a collegiate structure in the form of monthly or quarterly specialised committee meetings (strategic, operating, finance, real estate, etc.), thus facilitating information-sharing and decision-making.